During the full-scale war against Ukraine, invaders lost about 19,100 soldiers, 705 tanks, 335 artillery systems, 151 aircraft and 112 UAVs - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
From February 24 to April 9, the Russian Federation lost about 19,100 military personnel, 1,895 armored vehicles, 705 tanks, 335 artillery systems, 151 aircraft and 136 helicopters in Ukraine
This was announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
During the full-scale war against Ukraine, the estimated losses of the Russians amounted to:
personnel - about 19100 people;
tanks - 705 units;
armored combat vehicles - 1895 units;
artillery systems - 335 units,
MLRS - 108 units;
air defense systems - 55 units;
aircraft - 151 units;
helicopters - 136 units;
automotive equipment - 1363 units;
ships/boats - 7 units;
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76 units;
UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 112 units;
special equipment - 25 units;
launchers OTRK / TRK - 4 units.
The information is being specified. Calculation of losses is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.
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