"People were taken away from streets, works, buses, houses", - captured inhabitant of Donetsk about forceful mobilization in ORDLO
Russian occupiers continue to mobilize forces in so-called "LPR" and "DPR". Men are caught on streets, taken away from work, taken out of apartments and simply taken off buses
Captured inhabitant of Donetsk told about it during interrogation in Secret Service of Ukraine, transfers "Espresso. West".
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Prisoner says that Russians are forcibly sending men to war against Ukraine. They are caught on streets, taken away from work, taken out of apartments and simply taken off the buses.
"Recruits" are dressed in uniforms without identification marks, all documents are taken away from them and sent them to front line. And in order not to run away, they are transported in closed railway cars.
"There was a blockade, all men were not released. And mobilization started. Train is closed, there is no way out, it is completely blocked. More than two days. No buttonholes, no chevrons, nothing at all, no military ID," he said.
Also, according to him, he did not take part in hostilities, but only guarded checkpoint on orders of his commanders.
In addition, prisoner says that his unit performed only engineering tasks.
"We were put in jail and taken away. We didn't know where we were going. And then we saw… Our task, as I understand it, was like construction workers. Dig… like trenches. It's not clear why and it's not clear why," he said.
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