"History will call our actions second Hitlerism and will set up Nuremberg". A diary of a Russian officer interrogating prisoners was found in the former headquarters of the invaders in Katyuzhanka
After the expulsion of the Russian army from the northern part of Kyiv region, in the village of Katyuzhanka, Vyshhorod district, Kyiv region, a handwritten diary of a staff officer of the aggressor country was discovered. This is a man nicknamed "German", who was not on the front line, but was engaged in interrogation of captured soldiers and detained civilians
The scanned notebook of his manuscripts was published today, April 17, 2022, by investigative journalists from the "Schemes" project, Espreso.TV reports.
A command post was set up by the Russians in the building of the Katyuzhanka school. Among other commanders, there was a young officer who introduced himself as Konstantine or as a "German".
"Our teacher - my wife found a diary in one of the offices, which was probably led by one of the officers. And at the same time, most likely - a lawyer or a representative of the Federal Security Service (FSB). There it is in context can be understood", says the school principal Mykola Mykytchyk.
These are ordinary field officer records, but at the same time with the personal opinions of the author, who doubts the expediency of war with Ukraine and the adequacy of the 70-year-old Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin.
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Here are some excerpts from the diary found:
"I still haven't come to terms with the fact that I'm in a foreign country, I still don't believe in war. I still don't know if it's all right".
"I am furious that no one is telling the truth about the losses, about the reality of hostilities, I only hear that "Our cause is true, victory will be ours!" But is this case true? Get into a foreign country and bomb its cities?"
"They wanted a blitzkrieg, and as a result… sat down on the fifth point. There is a feeling that history will call our actions the second Hitlerism and will arrange another Nuremberg. I will not brag, I'm guilty, I fought, sorry!".
"Artillery smears, UAVs blunt ... troops are not coordinated, three hundred and two hundred in abundance, and the command in the reports speaks only of imaginary success ... Putin will soon be 70 (so he will be in October 2022 - ed.), If he dies, starting a war, there will be "something"!".
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