Media of Russian Federation reports about 674 thousand Ukrainians forcibly taken out by occupiers to Russia, among them more than 131 thousand - children, - Denisova
Russia declares forced deportation of 674 thousand Ukrainians to Russia, among them 15K were deported from Donetsk and Luhansk
Said Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova.
"Russians are increasing the volume of forced deportations of Ukrainians from the temporarily occupied territories. 15K residents from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, "she said.
In Mariupol, occupiers massively spreading information about the need for citizens to go to Russia, where they will "create favorable and hospitable conditions." However, people are waiting for long and humiliating filtering procedures - fingerprinting, various documents, interrogations. The level of filtration is constantly growing, and all Ukrainians over 18 years are covered, regardless the gender. People who don’t filter through pro-Ukrainian position are disappearing.
In Taganrog, deportees are given 10 thousand rubles and a choice of regions for further residence. All of them are economically depressed: Tomsk, Tambov, Astrakhan, etc. According to Mariupol City Hall, occupiers forcibly removed 31K people from the city.
It’s known that Russian military forcibly deported to Russian Federation residents of Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region. Initially, about 100 people were planned to be taken by train to Kursk, but eventually they were sent to Leningrad region. Witnesses report that the previous train with 300 Ukrainian citizens left for Siberia.
"Occupying country of Russian Federation grossly violates the provisions of Article 49 of Geneva Convention relative to Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which prohibits forced relocation or deportation of persons from occupied territories," she said.
Lyudmila Denisova appealed to UN Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations during Russia's Military Invasion to Ukraine and expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States under Moscow Mechanism to take into account these facts of war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.
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