I will tell you about Ukraine in 10 years
Because you've been stewing in the negative a lot. And you seem to have lost your focus. This is dangerous
So, our goal is a strong, safe and prosperous country of free people. It is as simple as possible. But we have to do a lot to achieve it. And believe in what you are doing. Even if it seems impossible to go on now, difficult, painful, hot, no time to think about it, and so on.
You have to think about it. You have to focus. And we need to act.
Firstly, over the next ten years, veterans and the army will become a key social institution in the country. Service will become mandatory for all men. Lack of status will affect prospects in politics, business, etc. Huge amounts of donations (separate from taxes) are what can be a substitute for service. But having a weapon and knowing how to use it is a must-have skill for every man. Ukraine will become a society of warriors. A Ukrainian soldier and his military experience will be worth their weight in gold. Centurions of Europe. With a key role in all future military conflicts and military missions of the Western world.
Secondly, the destroyed classical economy (it's a fact), which for many years was associated with Russia, will force businessmen to rethink their work. Therefore, Ukrainian exports, forced to be creative, will have a strong competitive advantage. It's like in sports: the one who has the most will win. Ukrainian business is forced to change and fight for a place in Western markets under stressful conditions. Our task and the task of the government is to help business as much as possible, to untie its hands and not to interfere. Complete freedom for business. This is the goal to be realised in the next 10 years.
Third, the next political cycle should bring the military and volunteers to power. It is they who will rebuild the country. But they will have the most difficult time.
It is likely that difficult post-war reforms will be unpopular and will lead to a quick disillusionment with yesterday's heroes. There is always a hard time after a war. Ukraine will be no exception. But a change of political elites is imperative. Just as the Communists once fell, so must everything that represents corruption and the old days.
Fourth, Ukraine's task is to become a member of the European Union and NATO. We must not forget about it. We must constantly focus on the goal and achieve results. In the next 10 years, Ukraine should join both Alliances and take its place as an equal among equals. Change both Alliances from within.
We bring military experience. We bring new blood. We bring new business. We bring a new perspective on the European project - strong and influential. Ukraine is a great added value for NATO and the EU. We must not just defeat the Axis of Evil, but put the world order back in place. We must restore Europe's self-confidence.
And fifth. Russia's existence (within its borders) will always be an existential threat to us. Therefore, Russia's defeat in the war now, as well as Russia's defeat in the future on all tracks (trade, diplomatic, and domestic), is a constant task for all future generations. It will not be ‘like before’. Because it was the same before. Do not console yourself with the idea that ‘the war will end’. It will only change.
As long as Russia exists, as long as it has partners or a stable economy, there can be no safe space for Ukraine. A strong Russia will always want to return to the days of empire. This means that it will come to us again with troops. Therefore, Russia must be weak and incapacitated. The task of Ukraine is to do everything possible to make the existential threat disappear or at least be constantly weak.
So, change. Do not wait for others to change - be the first to act. Build a business - microbusiness, small, medium, large. Go into politics. Develop professional skills. Take care of your body. Engage in self-development. Don't sit around and wait. Everything needs to be done right now, and not put your life on hold. Life has not stopped. The circumstances have changed.
Adjust your own focus.
And move on.
About the author. Petro Shuklinov, journalist
The editors do not always share the opinions expressed by the authors of the blogs.
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