If Putin thinks he will beat Erdogan, he is mistaken - Security Service Major General Yagun
Ukrainian Security Service Reserve Major General Viktor Yagun has said that Turkish politics and diplomacy have roots stretching back a thousand years and that Putin will definitely not be able to beat Erdogan.
He said this on Espreso.
"We are exaggerating Putin's meeting with Erdogan. For Putin, Erdogan is the only leader of the conventional Western world who is still ready to talk with him and extract all the preferences that can be extracted from this contact. If Putin thinks that he will beat Erdogan, he is deeply mistaken," Yagun remarked.
Major General also added that Erdogan is playing his game.
"Ukraine is not in Turkey's coordinate system, Erdogan needs us as long as we are useful to him. The collective West must carefully follow what Erdogan is doing. Erdogan will not go against the West. Erdogan will be the last bridge for negotiations with Putin. Erdogan earns from everything: on tourists, transit. I agreed with Ukraine on a 25% discount on grain, with Russia I agreed on a discount on gas," Yagun emphasized.
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