North Korean soldiers in Ukraine will trigger domino effect worldwide
Moscow continues to deny the presence of North Korean troops on the frontline
However, as reported by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Jong Gyu stated: "The deployment of North Korean troops to Russia does not contradict international law. Although there are forces that might describe these actions as illegal."
Putin is determined to change the situation on the fronts of the Russian-Ukrainian war at any cost. Yet, the West still refuses to acknowledge that this is a war aimed at destroying the Ukrainian nation. Making agreements with the Muscovites is akin to attempting to negotiate with a tribe of aggressive cannibals. Geopolitical cannibals, once tasting human flesh, cannot resist the temptation to seek new victims over and over again.
North Korea's involvement in the war should reshape the assistance provided by the Western allies to Ukraine. However, President Joe Biden's policy towards Ukraine has turned the Russian Federation’s war into a protracted conflict. This has effectively become a blessing for dictator Putin and his terrorist state. Despite Biden’s significant contributions to Ukraine, the continued insufficiency of this support has become a factor prolonging the confrontation and only provokes the main Kremlin leader to escalate further.
President Biden has very little time left to correct the situation and give Ukrainians a chance for victory. This would prevent an apocalyptic defeat that could end U.S. global dominance in the post-World War II era and embolden China to act against Taiwan. Such a scenario would open the door for attacks by tyrants and religious fanatics around the world, as all deterrent barriers would be lifted.
"With the involvement of North Korean troops, all restrictions must be lifted so that Ukraine can defend its territorial sovereignty. Not to mention that Putin's Russia has imported weapons from North Korea capable of striking anywhere in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the U.S. and the collective West are still hesitating over whether to allow Ukrainian forces to strike deep into Russian territory. This, again, deprives Ukraine of equal opportunities with the Russian Federation."
If North Korean mercenaries are participating in Russia’s war, under international law, Ukraine has every right to ask its allies for assistance not only in arms but also in troops. Only then will it be possible to stop Putin's geopolitical madness, as he seeks to restore the Soviet Union at any cost. This is no longer one of the Cold War scenarios but something much greater. Thus, defeating Putin’s terrorist forces is the only way to stop the dictator.
Whatever decision Joe Biden makes or does not make during the last weeks of his presidency, it will create a political reality that the next president will have to deal with. This situation resembles what Biden himself faced with the chaos in Afghanistan left by his predecessor, Donald Trump.
It is worth remembering that the Korean War never ended; it was merely a ceasefire. Therefore, the presence of North Korean troops in Ukraine should be seen as a continuation of their perpetual war against South Korea and the United States.
"Two criminal regimes, inevitably impoverished due to mismanagement and corruption—the main traits of totalitarian rule—are now trying to take advantage of the indecision in making critical decisions regarding aid to Ukraine."
Moscow is closely monitoring the actions of Joe Biden’s administration, which has repeatedly found reasons not to provide Ukraine with the aid necessary for successful warfare. Yet both the Pentagon and NATO have long understood the consequences of depriving Ukraine of the tools needed for victory.
If Putin had even the slightest inkling that the U.S. or NATO had shifted their traditional policy of measured assistance to Ukraine, he would not have become as brazen as he is now. Receiving significant support from his allies in the axis of evil—Iran, North Korea, and China—he is attempting to drag Ukraine and Western civilization into an "endless war."
Moscow constantly threatens the West with nuclear war. Of course, such a war is entirely different from conventional warfare. Nuclear confrontation and mutual destruction between superpowers are not trench warfare that requires better artillery or longer-range missiles. It is Armageddon. However, Putin, who has enjoyed his czar-like life for more than a quarter-century, surely understands that if he crosses the "nuclear red line," he himself would face "Armageddon." If he did not believe this, he would have long since pressed the nuclear button.
"The prolongation of the war has achieved interim goals that suit our Western allies. The Russian Federation has almost entirely lost the European energy market, and the Ukrainian army is gradually grinding down Russian terrorist forces, making Russia too weak to threaten anyone else. Yet the war, which has been going on for nearly 1,000 days, is also devastating Ukraine itself."
This war might never have happened if Ukraine had been admitted to NATO and the European Union in a timely manner, rather than facing countless reasons why Ukrainians were deemed unready to join the democratic Western civilization. One might wonder how former Chancellor Angela Merkel, who alongside Nicolas Sarkozy undermined Ukraine in 2008, feels now in her political retirement. Does she ever dream of the Ukrainian children killed by Russians, or does she calmly continue eating her schnitzels, reassuring herself that blocking Ukraine’s path to NATO was politically justified?
The logic of the Russian-Ukrainian war is such that if the United States does not commit to Ukraine’s victory, Putin will continue his bloody attacks regardless of the cost. If Kamala Harris continues Biden’s strategy, Ukraine will suffer military, political, and economic defeats and will cede territories to Russia. Under the Budapest Memorandum, the U.S. and the United Kingdom pledged to protect Ukraine’s independence, not just provide limited aid. This distinction is crucial.
No one yearns for peace more than Ukraine today. However, when progressive democrats aspire for peace and democracy but refuse to fight, finance the struggle, or truly support their ally during an unequal battle with a Russian foe, why did they even make promises they never intended to keep?
"This war has dragged on for too long. What does the West want, and what commitments is it prepared to make and uphold? The paradox of today’s situation is that the West wants an independent Ukraine, free from Russia, yet imposes restrictions on Ukraine’s ability to wage war."
This uncertainty has persisted for nearly three years. Isn’t it time for the West to stop wavering and decide what it truly wants? If freedom and independence for Ukraine are the goals, then its actions must be entirely different.
Now Ukraine is fighting against a "coalition of war"—Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China. Yet its partners act as though they have already given too much support. The reality is that Putin will never retreat voluntarily until he establishes a puppet government in an annexed Ukraine. Moscow continually invokes the threat of World War III. However, a Third World War would become much more likely if the U.S. abandons Ukraine, effectively surrendering to Putin.
Putin has repeatedly stated in speeches that it is Russia’s historical destiny to restore the Russian or Soviet empire by force. To achieve this goal, he militarizes Russian society and industry. The subjugation of Ukraine is merely the first step, with the Kremlin planning a similar strategy for the Baltic states and Poland.
"The defeat of Ukraine would trigger a domino effect worldwide. If Donald Trump, should he return to the White House, refuses to aid Ukraine, it will embolden Chinese dictator Xi Jinping to take aggressive actions in the western Pacific, including an invasion of Taiwan, and encourage North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un to invade South Korea."
In short, withholding aid from allies and thereby dismantling U.S. alliances is a sure path to global destabilization and, consequently, to World War III.
Putin firmly believes that Ukraine is not a real country but rather an internal Russian territory and an inseparable part of Russia. To justify this belief, he presents a series of utterly absurd pseudo-historical assertions and evidence.
Now, with just days remaining until the U.S. presidential election, Joe Biden will not make any commitments toward a fair resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Biden needs to wait for the results: if Donald Trump is elected, one decision will be made; if Kamala Harris takes over, then the issue will be addressed with her as the head of the new American administration.
But when North Korea joins Russia’s war in Ukraine, the civilizational conflict between the democratic West and the totalitarian states of the axis of evil enters an entirely new phase. A decisive moment is approaching, where the West must show whether it has the political will to act in accordance with complex international realities.
Western nations face a tough choice: continue aiding Ukraine with what is left, or abandon their hesitation and reluctance to risk decades of comfortable living if they genuinely aim to reinforce the imperative of defending democratic values.
About the author. Viktor Kaspruk, journalist.
The editors don't always share the opinions expressed by the authors of the blogs.
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