Until Espreso, Pryamiy and Channel 5 are available again on Ukrainian cable networks, I will only respond to invitations to broadcast from these channels - Eisenberg
New York University professor Igor Aizenberg said that he would only attend the broadcasts of Espreso, Pryamiy and Channel 5 until the channels were again available on Ukrainian cable networks. He considers the blocking of TV channels an infringement of freedom of speech
He wrote about this on Facebook.
"If those in Ukraine, who on Monday, April 4, disconnected Espreso, Channel 5 and Pryamiy channels from Ukrainian cable networks, believe that the United States will not notice this, they are mistaken. Just as I noticed this, an ordinary US citizen will notice this as well as the State Department", Eisenberg wrote.
According to him, this is an infringement of freedom of speech, and an attempt to drown out the broadcasting of three absolutely pro-Ukrainian channels is "shameful, but especially shameful during the war".
"From time to time, even often, I am invited to the Ukrainian broadcast. This is an honor for me. But from today, and until Espreso, Channel 5, Pryamiy are again available on Ukrainian cable networks, and not only on the Internet, as a sign of solidarity with journalists and everyone who works on these three channels, I will only respond to an invitation to broadcast from these channels", he emphasized.
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