"They rape children, offer diesel fuel for young girls": a relative of the "DPR" militant complained to him about the actions of the Russian military in her village
The Security Service of Ukraine intercepted a telephone conversation between a "DPR" militant, whose unit is now stationed in the Kherson region, and his relative, who lives in Zaporizhzhya
The corresponding audio recording was published by the department, Espreso.West reports.
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In a conversation that the SSU managed to intercept, one could hear how a woman who, under the influence of Russian propaganda, had a different idea of the “liberators”, was shocked by thel reality, and her illusions were shattered.
As she said, she hated the "Banderites" that her nephew told her about. After all, she believed him, and now she doesn’t even know whom to hate.
"Seryozha, come here and see what's going on here! I'm not just saying it! I've always believed you! I believed you, as you told about the Banderites - I hated them. And now who do I hate?, the woman asks her nephew through tears.
The woman also said that she was burying her minor granddaughters in the basement. The girls are only 10 and 14 years old and the woman does not know how to protect them.
"We give them sausages, and they get into the house, rape children and shoot in the legs... What should I do? They walk around the village, asking where young girls are and offering diesel fuel for them", she cries.
At the same time, the relative advised the woman to drive off somewhere as far as possible to the rear. The woman replied to her nephew that there was nowhere to go, because everything was bombed and once again invited him to go see everything.
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