The modern Batu Khan has no chance of winning
Eight centuries later, history seems to have given us a chance to avenge all the defeats and failures of the past
This year, among other things, the battle of the Kalka river is 800 years old... Who has forgotten, let me remind you that in the spring of 1223 our ancestors first faced the Mongols, their horde, and then it ended in defeat for them. Moreover, this defeat was the first in the list of others and continued in the next invasion led by Batu Khan, as a result of which Kyivan Rus collapsed.
All this inadvertently evokes certain analogies with the current Russian invasion, however, with one, but decisive difference. But first, let’s discuss the similarities. Because some moments look so similar that they can really seem like a historical reconstruction of that ancient invasion.
“Both then and now, some years have passed between the first and second waves of the invasion: 8 years in modernity, a little more back then. Then, we first suffered defeat at Kalka. Today, in Crimea and Donbas... Someone will say "But back then it was the Mongols, and now?" - "And now the Russians," I will answer. The difference is not that big”
Both then and now, some years have passed between the first and second waves of the invasion: 8 years in modernity, a little more back then. Then, we first suffered defeat at Kalka. Today, in Crimea and Donbas... Someone will say "But back then it was the Mongols, and now?" - "And now the Russians," I will answer. The difference is not that big. Of course, I'm not talking about weapons, clothes, vehicles, communication, etc., and not about facial features, no offense to the innocent great Mongoloid race, although there is no shortage of its representatives in the Russian army, but about the purely Horde destructive psychology, about the very guts of the invaders. After all, only the names of their state entities changed, but the Horde essence remained the same. Moreover, for 8 centuries from the Golden Horde to the modern Russian Federation there, the continuity of despotism and slavery have become so intertwined that it is unlikely to be cured in the foreseeable future.
So, just as the Mongolian tumens (unit of ten thousand - ed.) of Batu did in the XIII century, now in the XXI century, the battalion tactical groups of Putin's Russian army came to our land to kill, rape, rob and simply destroy us... Both then and now the invasion came from the east and northeast, both then and now there was a siege of Kyiv. But perhaps this is where the differences begin. History, after 8 centuries, seems to have given us a chance to avenge all the defeats and failures of the past.
Exclusively for Espreso TV.
About the author. Oleksandr Vilchynskyi, writer, journalist. In 2016-2017 he was a volunteer and fought as a soldier in the 1st separate assault company of the Air Assault Forces.
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