Putin doesn't care about Russia. He cares what history books say about him - Klimkin
Former Ukraine's Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin believes that Putin doesn't care about Russia, because he values more what history books will say about him
The Ukrainian diplomat expressed his opinion in the 'Verdict with Sergiy Rudenko' program on Espreso.
"Putin leads his regime to catastrophe. The aggressor no longer makes rational decisions for Russia's benefit. He sees everything in terms of what history books will say about him in 50 or 100 years. I think those books he will have a lot in common with Adolf Hitler," Klimkin said.
Putin has lost, and this loss must be stated. The Russian elite already talks about Putin's replacement and Russia's return to development like a normal state, because his imperialist convictions lead Russia to catastrophe.
"On a subconscious level Putin believes in the restoration of the empire. Aggressor really believes that Ukraine belongs to his world and wants to get us back in any way or destroy us," said the diplomat.
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