Epiphanius served a memorial service for the murdered residents of Bucha
Today, April 6, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphanius held a memorial service for the executed and tortured Ukrainians in the town of Bucha near the local church
Metropolitan Epiphanius wrote about this on Twitter.
"Let me remind the executors who killed civilians: each of them will personally answer to God. And before that, everyone will receive punishment according to the laws of the civilized world", Metropolitan Epiphanius added.
The Primate of the OCU met with residents.
"Today it was raining in Bucha. Even the sky is crying... Words are missing. The body refuses to move, the eyes to see, and the brain to realize that all this really happened. The maddened executioners made hell on our land. The Rashists turned our picturesque land into a real scorched desert", the Metropolitan wrote
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="uk" dir="ltr">В місті Буча поряд з місцевим храмом звершив Панахиду за розстріляними та закатованими українцями. Катам, які вбивали мирних жителів, нагадаю: кожен з них особисто дасть відповідь перед Богом. А раніше за це – кожен отримає покарання і за законами цивілізованого світу. <a href="https://t.co/NhMiXOvbA8">pic.twitter.com/NhMiXOvbA8</a></p>— Митрополит Епіфаній (@Epifaniy) <a href="https://twitter.com/Epifaniy/status/1511697744297091076?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 6, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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