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NATO, Ukraine respond to Putin's claim of offering "peaceful resolution"

14 June, 2024 Friday

Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian military should withdraw from the occupied territories in order to negotiate with Russia. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry commented


Putin made this statement during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as reported by RIA Novosti and TASS. According to Putin, Moscow has allegedly continuously offered foreign partners "constructive solutions in the security sphere, but all attempts have not been answered."

"The West decided that they had won the Cold War and could determine the world order, and Moscow's questions were answered with excuses," Putin said.

He also claimed to have offered Ukraine and the West another "peaceful option for resolving the conflict," emphasizing that Russia does not want to "freeze the conflict" but instead wants it to end completely.

Putin stated that for negotiations to begin, Ukraine must completely withdraw its army from the temporarily occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions. Additionally, Ukraine should not join NATO and should maintain a "neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status."

He later added that for negotiations with Russia, Western countries should lift all sanctions against the Kremlin.

"Russia is still ready to engage in dialogue with all countries, but it should not be an imitation of the peace process, but a thorough conversation," Putin concluded.

Reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine believes that Putin's statements are intended to "mislead the international community, undermine diplomatic efforts to achieve a just peace, and divide the unity of the world majority around the goals and principles of the UN Charter."

"It is absurd that Putin, who planned, prepared, and carried out, along with his accomplices, the largest armed aggression in Europe since World War II, is trying to present himself as a peacemaker and put forward options for ending the war he started, which undermine the foundations of international law and the UN Charter," the ministry stated on June 14.

According to the report, this is not the first time the Russian dictator has made such statements. The primary aim is to prevent EU leaders and countries from participating in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. The timing of Putin's statements, just before the summit, suggests that "Russia is afraid of real peace."

"Putin is well aware that the powerful voice of peace that will be heard at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland will be the first practical step towards a just peace. Russia's plans are not for peace, but for the continuation of the war, the occupation of Ukraine, the destruction of the Ukrainian people, and further aggression in Europe," the ministry concluded.

Reaction of the NATO Secretary General

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addressed Putin's position on peace talks with Ukraine during a press conference in Brussels, as reported by European Pravda. He stated that Putin's stance is not sincere.

Stoltenberg emphasized that Ukraine should not withdraw its troops from its own territory and that Russia should withdraw from the territories it occupies.

"This is not a Ukrainian proposal. It only demonstrates that this proposal is not in good faith and essentially means that Russia wants to achieve its military goals by occupying much larger territories than it currently controls,” the NATO Secretary General stated.

He pointed out that this once again shows that from the very beginning of the war, Russia's goal was to control Ukrainian territories, which is a violation of international law.

"And that is why NATO continues to support Ukraine," Stoltenberg concluded.

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