Russia flagrantly violates Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War - Denisova
The stories of captured Ukrainian fighters testify to the violation of an international treaty that establishes the norms of humane treatment during the war
This was written by the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova in Telegram.
She reported that Ukrainian servicemen were held captive. The fighters were kept in the field, in a pit or garage. Sometimes they took them out one at a time: they beat them, shot by the ear, intimidated them.
"Local reporters began to use guys from Zmiyiny Island, who were taken to Sevastopol in tow, for propaganda purposes, talking about the humane Russian authorities, which organized the delivery of prisoners home. The prisoners of war were taken to an unknown direction and settled in a tent city at a temperature of minus 20 degrees, as a result of which many guys have frostbite of the extremities. They were treated like prisoners, morally crushed, and during walks in the yard they let the dog down", said Denisova.
According to the Commissioner, such actions by the Russian Federation are a violation of Articles 13 and 26 of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. According to the treaty, prisoners of war must always be protected, in particular against acts of violence or intimidation, as well as against insults and public interest.
"I call on the UN Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations During Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission established by the OSCE participating States in accordance with the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these violations of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners of war", Lyudmyla Denisova added.
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