$4.8 million of ex-minister from Yanukovych's entourage were transferred to Ukraine's defense needs - Venediktova
$4.8 million, which belonged to the minister during the time of the fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych, was collected in favor of the Ministry of Defense
This was announced by Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova on Facebook.
"They collected $4.8 million in favor of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. They belonged to the minister of the times of the fugitive president. Seized as part of the proceedings for the seizure of the Mezhyhirya state residence, these funds will now help our state defend itself from the invader", she wrote.
Venediktova added that through procedural and other legal mechanisms, the replenishment of the material resources of the defense forces of Ukraine continues.
According to the Ukrainian Truth, we are talking about Eduard Stavitsky, who served as Minister of Energy and Coal Industry.
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