Wars are not won by pure manpower, but by technology, science, knowledge and... money
A country with 1.5% of the world economy cannot defeat 50% of the world economy
Some things are quite obvious.
A country with 1.5% of the world's economy cannot defeat 50% of the world's economy.
It is not a question of heroism, patriotism or imperial idiocy, it is a simple calculation.
Money, resources, ability to restore weapons, ammunition.
Manpower, of course, is important, but technology, level of production, basic foundation and the latest weapons created on this foundation, introduce certain coefficients into the process of using and losing manpower.
And the greater the advantage of technology, the higher the efficiency of production and the level of weapons, the lesser the role of manpower and its quantity in the outcome of war. Here the education and technological advancement of manpower itself becomes relevant.
A hundred skilled anti-tank missile system operators are more effective than several thousand infantrymen with hand anti-tank grenades. These thousands will stay alive because a hundred have mastered and used new weapons.
“The greater the advantage of technology, the higher the efficiency of production and the level of weapons, the lesser the role of manpower and its quantity in the outcome of war. Here the education and technological advancement of the manpower itself becomes relevant.”
One Javelin or NLAW in the hands of a trained soldier is worth dozens of lives.
The artillery crew targets the enemy for tens of kilometers and the higher the quality of the artillery system, the skills of the personnel, the quality and technology of ammunition, the more convincing will be the result of its use, the fewer lives of soldiers will be thrown into the fire of war.
HIMARS have already changed the picture at the front line, saved thousands of lives, and forced the enemy to retreat.
How many Ukrainian soldiers remained alive thanks to these MLRS?
And this is just the beginning.
Wars are not won with pure manpower.
Wars are won with technology, science, knowledge and... money.
The manpower resource is not only "mothers will birth new ones", it is also when for each 10 people with 3 convictions and hereditary alcoholism, there are 10 people with 2 higher educations.
I am not even talking about motivation.
Missiles on civilian infrastructure do not win wars.
“The manpower resource is not only "mothers will birth new ones", it is also when for each 10 people with 3 convictions and hereditary alcoholism, there are 10 people with 2 higher educations.”
War is determined not just by who will shoot whom, but also by who will be smarter, more hard-working, more inventing.
1.5% of the world economy has no chance against 50% of the world economy.
The defeat of a thug who considers himself all-powerful is a matter of time.
The consequences of losing such a war are not lost territories, and not killed or maimed manpower. It is the loss of influence, political and economic isolation, exclusion from the world educational and scientific process. This is a long-term stay on the edge of civilization.
I think that everything is quite obvious with the economic situation.
And with the military one too.
About the author: Yan Valetov, science fiction writer.
Espreso TV does not always share the opinions of the blog authors.
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