Putin aims to destabilize Europe, paralyze NATO after destroying Ukraine - former Polish defense minister
Former Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich says that if the world understands all four of Putin's goals, it may be easier to find the weapons Ukraine needs
He said this in an interview with Antin Borkovskyi, host of the Studio West program.
"I am aware, as are many of my friends, not all of them, of course, that this is a war to destroy the Ukrainian state. It is not just a war for territory, it is a war whose primary goal is the destruction of Ukrainian statehood. But also the destruction of the Ukrainian people. And this is not the first time that Russians are trying to destroy the Ukrainian people, because they have done it in the past, just remember the Holodomor, which was the biggest example of this in Stalin's time. So, these are Putin's two goals when it comes to Ukraine, and most of us have no doubt about it," the former Polish defence minister stressed.
According to him, if we manage to convince others that Putin has two more goals that directly relate to Europe and NATO itself, then it may be easier to find the weapons that Ukraine needs.
"After all, Putin's next two goals are to destabilise Europe and paralyse NATO. Once again: destabilising the European Union and paralysing the North Atlantic Alliance. And some of us are aware of this, but again, not all of us. In this regard, your rhetoric should make sure that the four goals that Putin has set for himself (once again: the destruction of the Ukrainian state, the destabilisation of NATO and the destabilisation of the EU, the paralysis of NATO and the destruction of the Ukrainian people) are understood to be goals that threaten not only the people of Kharkiv, Kyiv or Lviv, but also the people of Madrid, Lisbon, London or Rome. This is our common threat," said Bogdan Klich.
- On June 20, the White House reacted to the meeting between Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang and announced Russia's intention to form a coalition with other countries, including the DPRK, Iran, Syria and, to some extent, China.
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