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Victorious news of 842nd day of war: partisans expose Russian airfield in Crimea, US delivers 102 diesel power plants to Ukraine

14 June, 2024 Friday

The Solntsepyok, a thermobaric weapon system, exploded in a town in the Belgorod region, killing three Russian soldiers, Canada sanctioned 11 Russian individuals, 16 legal entities supporting war in Ukraine


Solntsepyok ammunition explodes in Russia's Shebekino, killing three soldiers 

On the evening of June 13, a powerful explosion occurred in Shebekino, Belgorod region, Russia. Ammunition from the Russian heavy flamethrower system Solntsepyok exploded in the suburbs, killing three soldiers.

This was reported by the Russian Telegram channel ASTRA, citing sources.

The head of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said that "the causes of the incident are being established." According to ASTRA, Gladkov wrote the same when a Russian FAB bomb fell on Belgorod on May 4, injuring 7 civilians.

When a powerful explosion occurred in Shebekino, local media wrote that a Russian bomb could have fallen on the city.

Later, the head of the region wrote that an explosion had occurred on the outskirts of Shebekino. According to him, no one was injured, and 10 private households and one car were damaged.

ASTRA's sources in the region's emergency services said that in the evening, ammunition from a Russian heavy flamethrower system Solntsepyok exploded in the suburbs of Shebekino. At least three Russian soldiers were killed in the explosion. The cause of the explosion is unknown, but according to preliminary data, it was "spontaneous".

United States delivers 102 diesel power plants to Ukraine

The United States has delivered 102 diesel power plants to Ukrgasvydobuvannya which is the largest gas producer in Central and Eastern Europe and provides over 70% of natural gas production in Ukraine. Naftogaz Group reports on June 14.

These power plants will serve as emergency stationary sources to provide electricity for repairing bases, production facilities, and equipment involved in gas production.

USAID will provide additional security measures to protect Naftogaz Group's gas production facilities from potential attacks by Russian forces.

"This assistance from USAID is crucial for Ukraine as we prepare for winter. Every day, our company faces numerous challenges due to the ongoing war. During these tough times, international support is invaluable to us, and we express our gratitude once again," stated Oleh Tolmachev, CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya.

Canada sanctions 11 Russian individuals, 16 legal entities supporting war in Ukraine

Foreign Minister Melanie Joly says Canada is imposing additional sanctions on 11 Russian citizens and 16 legal entities that facilitate and support Russia's war in Ukraine.

The press service of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

"These sanctions target many individuals and entities implicated in disinformation and propaganda operations, including those identified by Rapid Response Mechanism Canada. They also include entities in Russia’s military-industrial complex that supply key technology and electrical components in support of Russia’s war efforts. In addition, the sanctions target entities involved in sanctions circumvention that facilitate Russia’s access to sanctioned goods or to revenue from oil sold above the G7 price cap," the statement says.

Among the propagandists sanctioned was Ekaterina Mizulina, who is the head of the Russian Safe Internet League. Also under Canadian sanctions are the head of the central executive committee of the United Russia party, Alexander Sidyakin, and the Minister of Trade and Industry, Anton Alikhanov.

The sanctions also affected a number of Russian propaganda media outlets of various levels: 

  • Channel St. Petersburg (also known as GATR);

  • New Media Development Fund;

  • Tavria TV;

  • Mariupol 24;

  • ZaMedia (also known as ZaTV, Za!Radio, and Zaporizhzhia Visnyk);

  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta;

  • Voice of Europe, LLC.

Ukrainian partisans expose Russian airfield in Crimea

Guerrillas with the Atesh resistance movement have shared information about a Russian airfield in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

The Atesh resistance movement reports this on Telegram.

The agent disclosed the Chersonese airfield in Sevastopol. The guerrilla passed important information to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

"He found dugouts and a military patrol around the perimeter. A Raptor patrol boat was also spotted during the observation, which indicates a high level of security at the facility," the statement says.

It also became known about the Kasta-2E2 radar station, which is used to detect missiles. It is located near an oil storage facility.

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