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Victorious news of 845th day of war: Magura drones have new capabilities, Ukrainian forces capture Russian 'turtle tank'

17 June, 2024 Monday

Magura drones were equipped with R-73 missiles, a Russian 'turtle tank' was captured near Klishchiivka, and a third of Russia's Black Sea Fleet was put out of action


Ukrainian army captures Russian 'turtle tank' for first time

In the Kramatorsk sector, near Klishchiivka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces captured a Russian 'turtle tank' for the first time and took its crew prisoner.

The Khortytsia operational grouping of troops reports.

"In the Kramatorsk sector, near Klishchiivka, soldiers with the 22nd Separate Mechanised Brigade captured a Russian 'turtle tank' and took its crew prisoner. It should be noted that this is the first known case of this kind," the press service said.

It is noted that a Russian tank was detected near the village of Klishchiivka thanks to an unmanned aerial vehicle unit. The Ukrainian Armed Forces used an unmanned aerial vehicle, on the tank from which the discharges were made.

"The damaged tank and the disoriented enemy crew, trying to escape, lost any opportunity to find the right direction to return to their positions.Thanks to the brigade's artillery, the tank was stopped at one of the borders and the infantrymen from the mechanised battalion captured the crew and the tank. During negotiations with the crew, the driver hid inside with a grenade and tried to blow up the tank.
But our infantrymen found strong arguments to convince them that it was better to live than to die," the military said.

One third of Russia's Black Sea Fleet is out of commission

Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk says the Ukrainian military has managed to disable a third of the Russian Black Sea Fleet's ships.

He said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

According to the Navy spokesperson, Ukraine has officially destroyed and damaged 28 Russian ships and missile launchers. In total, a third of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is out of commission.

"Over 10 units were under repair. But many of the ships that are now in service were also damaged. For example, both frigates Admiral Essen and Admiral Makarov. Many of the Russian ships have already become familiar with drones and missiles. And some of them have already been restored," Pletenchuk said.

He added that some of the Russian ships are still undergoing repairs, and some will be there for a long time due to serious damage.

"Do you know what happened with the big landing ships? We waited for them to fix them up, and then we attacked. And it was extremely difficult to repair them because they are Project 775, they are Polish-made. And the Poles, of course, refuse to service them. And they tried to buy some parts, substitutes, to circumvent the sanctions. That's why I don't think they will rush to repair these large landing ships now," the Navy spokesman suggests.

15 air defense systems destroyed in Crimea over past two months

Ukraine's Center for Strategic Communications has prepared an infographic of Russian air defense defeats in the temporarily occupied Crimea over the past two months.

The Center for Strategic Communications (StratСom) reported this on Telegram on June 17.

According to StratСom, about 15 Russian air defense systems have been damaged in temporarily occupied Crimea. These include divisions equipped with S-300, S-350, and S-400 systems.

The damage also includes dozens of launchers, over 15 radar stations, and more than 10 control centers.

Magura marine drones are now armed with air-to-air missiles 

One of the new modifications of the Magura unmanned offshore platform already has R-73 missiles on board. 

This was stated by the commander of the DIU's special unit “Group 13” with the call sign “Thirteenth”. 

R-73 is a Soviet-made air-to-air missile with an infrared homing system. Magura maritime attack drones equipped with such missiles have already been used during combat operations in the Black Sea.

 "Such developments are effective - the Russians are very afraid of them. When they see them, they are afraid to even fly near them. And the uniqueness is that no one else has anything like it. This weapon has already been installed, and it will produce results,” he said.

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