About 21 thousand soldiers, 829 tanks, 172 aircraft and 151 helicopters: the General Staff of the Armed Forces called the losses of Russia since the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine
From February 24 to March 21, the invaders lost about 21 thousand soldiers, 2118 armored vehicles, 829 tanks, 393 artillery systems, 172 aircraft and 151 helicopters
This was announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
During the full-scale war against Ukraine, the Russian Federation approximately lost:
personnel - 21 thousand soldiers;
tanks - 829 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2118 units;
artillery systems - 393 units;
MLRS - 136 units;
air defense systems - 67 units;
aircraft - 172 units;
helicopters - 151 units;
automotive equipment - 1508 units;
ships / boats - 8 units;
fuel and lubricants tanks - 76 units;
UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 166 units;
special equipment - 27 units;
OTRK/TRK launchers - 4 units.
The data on the losses of invaders is being clarified.
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