Terrorist attack on Moscow: The show is just beginning
Sometimes a terrorist attack is just a terrorist attack like a banana is just a banana.
And Medvedev and Co. look like fools for portraying Ukraine as terrorists. Although they always appear that way. And those rushing to build a conspiracy theory that Putin and Co. themselves invented the terrorist attack to blame Ukrainians missed the mark. Accuse - and what? What did they not do that they could have done after being accused?
Putin has built a dictatorship in Russia. And an Orthodox caliphate. And terrorist attacks are possible there. On any grounds. Because there is no transparent policy. Because there is no way for the accumulated steam to escape from under the lid. And this will happen. Not according to the FSB's plan. Just because the system itself is built there. The FSB, of course, knows how to organize terrorist attacks. And they have done it before. But they are not the only ones who know how to do it, love it, and practice it.
Well, yes, sometimes terrorists blow up terrorists, and other terrorists express condolences. Recently, ISIS blew up Iranians, fought for the right to be considered the biggest psychos with the Taliban, and now they are lighting up Moscow.
And yes, we in Ukraine are excited to see Russians suffering. This is the result of trauma, but it doesn't matter. We are pleased. And we would prefer to see Moscow burning in nuclear ashes. But this does not mean that we are ready to organize it.
And yes, Russia is an empire that oppresses many nations. And some of them are ready to fight using terrorist attacks. And this can happen both without Budanov's help and not under the roof of the FSB.
And then it is not the fiery revolutionaries who come, fighting for the independence of some parts of the empire, as we would like to believe and have created such a myth. It was psychos with assault rifles who wanted to start a jihad.
And the show is just beginning...
About the author. Serhiy Fursa, investment expert, blogger.
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