Zelensky: I don’t think that an adequate person in the world today can use nuclear weapons
During a press conference on April 23, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia could use nuclear weapons if the leadership finally loses touch with reality
Broadcast of the press conference was provided by Public Broadcasting.
"I don't think that in today's world an adequate person can use nuclear weapons. I believe that it can be used by the person not when he is cornered, but when he has lost touch with reality, with common sense. I believe that the usage of nuclear weapons cannot be assessed differently. I don’t think this is a coincidence and therefore, if Russian leadership doesn’t completely lose touch with reality and adequacy, they won’t be able to use nuclear weapons, "said President.
He added that he didn’t rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons.
"Could it be from the Russian forest? Maybe. Do I believe in it? I don't want to believe in such things, I'll tell you frankly," Zelensky added.
President also noted that if we had nuclear weapons, Ukraine wouldn’t use it, but this would minimize the risks of war on Russian side.
"If we had nuclear weapons, Ukraine would never use it. It is impossible. Because we are absolutely adequate people. "Our society. I would be the first of these people. The only thing that is unjust is that since these people, who are basically capable of taking such inhuman steps deep down, they think that others can do the same. Therefore, if we had nuclear weapons, I think that the risks of Russia starting war would be minimized, " President added.
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