Blockade on Polish border: Who stands to gain?
Polish "farmers" are once again blocking Ukraine's border. On Holodomor Remembrance Day, no less
Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Most Poles likely don’t support this.
But there’s a very real Russian fifth column operating here — a group whose mission is to fuel hatred between Ukraine and Poland.
These provocateurs are the ones behind such actions.
This time, the blame can’t just be passed around or swept under the rug.
Blocking the Ukrainian border as a supposed protest against the EU’s cooperation with Latin American countries (!) — and on the day marking the greatest tragedy in Ukrainian history — is pure Chekist playbook.
It seems some of our neighbors, in their endless search for “Bandera supporters,” are blind to the plank in their own eye. Because today, these “farmers” are stirring up scandals in Polish-Ukrainian relations. Tomorrow, they’ll be calling on their “Russian brothers” to restore order and liberate them from “American oppression.”
The foreign ministry should act. This is how the Russians, step by step, are undermining all the progress in Ukrainian-Polish relations.
About the author. Bohdan Butkevych, journalist
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