Kellogg's election push: Putin's "Plan B" in action
This year's hypothetical elections in Ukraine are dangerous from all points of view: they will open a Pandora's box and destabilize the domestic situation
In my humble opinion, this is an even greater threat under current conditions than war. Because this is Putin's "Plan B" – to destroy Ukraine from within with its own hands.
Focusing on this issue will lead to a decrease in attention to the most important matter – the war and the military.
Ukraine simply cannot handle two fronts.
At the same time, the authorities must understand that people are concerned not with its current legitimacy, but with the crisis in governance, the lack of strategy, the absence of effective steps in the economy, increasing pressure on businesses, and selective political persecutions. No matter how many agencies and ministries of unity are created, dozens of examples can be cited where the societal unity of 2022 is being deliberately dismantled. The demand for justice and accountability is only growing, alongside the increase in challenges and risks.
The Office of the President’s tactic — following the lead of the current U.S. administration (even though their tactics may change) — is a clear example of procrastination, lacking energy and ideas.
I have written before that the motto for 2025 should be: "Change or die." I still believe that there are many smart people in the President’s Office who understand this and can convey the message that it is now, more than ever, the decisions and stance of Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his closest circle that will determine whether we lose this battle for independence. Yes, unfortunately, it depends solely on them — because all levers of influence and decision-making mechanisms are concentrated in their hands.
The plan of action is essentially clear:
- Define the "red lines" that Ukraine will not cross under any circumstances and announce them publicly.
- Identify the circle of allies Ukraine can definitely rely on and activate cooperation with them on strengthening Europe’s defense capabilities. They must conclude that "Ukraine is truly Europe."
- Work with both parties in the U.S. Define Ukraine's "added value" in global security matters.
- Convince the partners in Washington that Ukraine’s "concessions" will not bring stable peace. Strengthen the diplomatic corps.
- Reform the current parliamentary majority. Reshape the government. Make personnel decisions in areas that have proven ineffective, including certain law enforcement bodies.
- Stop the most corrupt schemes (all of them are well-known) at customs and the tax service.
- Develop the most effective mechanisms for providing weapons to the front lines. Renew the Ministry of Defense. Remove those profiting from war and stealing. Expose all "cartel conspiracies." With the current law enforcement system, this can be done quickly if there is the will to do so.
I'm sure we could add a dozen more points to this list. But the general conclusion is simple: without a reboot of the social contract by the authorities and a clear outline of accountability for its implementation, our ship will face total defeat. Because in Russia, people believe what is shown on TV, while in Ukraine, it's only about what people encounter in their everyday lives. Accordingly, by the way, the United News Telemarathon is completely ineffective, as are the funds thrown into it...
Returning to the topic of elections, we should not be thinking about them today. Instead, Ukraine should focus on how to avoid a sharp nosedive by the end of the year, from which there will be no, at least, neutral exit. This applies to both Zelenskyy and all of us.
About the author. Viktor Shlinchak, Head of the Board of the Institute of World Policy.
The editorial staff does not always share the opinions expressed by the blog authors.
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