Telegram blocks Russian propaganda channels in EU, but many still operate – Insight News
Telegram has begun blocking major Russian propaganda channels in the European Union, but dozens of unofficial Kremlin-linked channels continue spreading disinformation across the platform
Insight News reported the information.
Telegram has restricted channels like RIA Novosti, Izvestia, RT, and Rossiya 1 in at least ten EU countries, including Germany, France, Italy, and Poland. Users in these regions now see the message: “This channel cannot be opened because it violates local laws.”
Despite the crackdown, Insight News analysis reveals a sprawling network of other Russian propaganda channels still active on Telegram. These unofficial outlets target EU audiences in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, and German.
Examples include channels like Ukr Leaks, Intel Republic, and Info Def England, which push Kremlin narratives in English. French-speaking users are targeted by channels like Vladimir Putin and Conflict Chronicles, while German channels often promote radical messages, referring to Ukraine as “Banderstan” and speculating about President Zelenskyy’s “liquidation.”
Spanish-speaking audiences are also in focus, with the Russian Embassy in Bolivia playing a key role in spreading Kremlin propaganda. Channels like Rybar are even translated into multiple languages to maximize their reach.
The EU began cracking down on Russian disinformation in May 2024 by sanctioning media outlets like RIA Novosti and Sputnik. Telegram’s cooperation with EU authorities reportedly increased after founder Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, marking a shift in the platform’s policies.
Russia has called the EU’s actions “unfriendly” while continuing to block access to independent information about the war against Ukraine. Meanwhile, the availability of Russian propaganda channels in Ukraine raises questions about implementing similar measures there.
Although blocking major channels is a positive step, experts warn it’s only the beginning. The scale of Russia’s disinformation network on Telegram demands sustained efforts from European watchdogs and security agencies. “This is hard and long-term work,” analysts conclude.
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