Military expert Zgurets: Russia's Belgorod region protection myths are being destroyed

Serhiy Zgurets, Defense Express expert and director, noted that Russia is breaking all myths about their ability to protect the Belgorod region population 

He stated this on Espreso

The expert underscored that the population once again felt neglected by the authorities.

"The recent raids conducted by Russian volunteers have exposed the ineffectiveness of the Russian army and border troops. They have created a new reality that requires a response from the Russian army. It is evident that no defensive systems have been established, allowing anyone to enter. These raids are debunking the myths propagated by the Russian side regarding their ability to protect their own population," stated Zgurets.

Currently, there is no available information on whether the raiding operations of the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps will continue in Belgorod and the surrounding region.

"In terms of tactics, these raids typically last up to three days, with the volunteers relying on their own fuel and ammunition supplies. Based on tactical calculations, the volunteers should have already returned to Ukrainian territory within this timeframe, but there is no confirmation of this yet," he added.

Zgurets also emphasized that the raids are carried out without the seizure of Russian territories.