Why I call our war World War III

The task of our struggle is to destroy one of the initiators of World War II, who managed to disguise itself as its victim

Western interviewers often ask me why I wrote in The Longest Journey that I call this war the Third World War. And each time I get confused, because it is so obvious: this war is designed to correct the world's most tragic "dislocations" left by the Second one.

Starting from the most obvious - to defeat its second instigator, a friend and ally of the Nazi Reich, who disguised itself as its victim, avoided an international tribunal and, on this deception, has again circled back to the 1930s over the past 30 years - and even to the “general cleaning” of the former Pacific front, where the unhealed post-war wounds of the "two Koreas" and "two Chinas" still gape.

“Starting from the most obvious - to defeat its second instigator, a friend and ally of the Nazi Reich, who disguised itself as its victim, avoided an international tribunal and, on this deception, has again circled back to the 1930s over the past 30 years - and even to the “general cleaning” of the former Pacific front, where the unhealed post-war wounds of the "two Koreas" and "two Chinas" still gape”

So, back to the point. If I understand correctly, on the night of May 16, having finally and irrevocably shot down all six of the vaunted Russian Kinzhals by the old Patriots, our air defense, God bless it, not only defended Kyiv, but also thwarted China's long- and lovingly prepared "blitzkrieg" against Taiwan.

Yet you still ask - why World War III...

And this is just one night.

May God give us strength.


About the author. Oksana Zabuzhko, writer.

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