Ukraine will be the main topic of the US elections

What does the world know about the war in Ukraine? Will the aid stop? Will our allies get tired of this war?

In November 2024, the next presidential election will be held in the US. It is unknown who the Democrats and Republicans will nominate for this race. There is a nuance that is not talked about much, but it cannot be changed: Joe Biden is 80 years old, Donald Trump is 76. And they both top the ranking of the oldest US presidents (Ronald Reagan is third). However, Trump has already single-handedly decided to run for the presidency and is holding meetings.

While President Biden says that "Ukraine will never become a victim of Russia" and that aid will not stop because "it can take a long time and there will be many more tragedies," the 45th President Trump convinces people that it is possible to reach an agreement and there is no need to spend billions. And he promises to stop the war with just 2 phone calls to President Zelenskyy and Putin. He is confident in his uniqueness: President Macron and President Erdogan failed, but he will succeed. There will be many more statements, it's starting to get churning...

Ukraine will definitely be a topic in these elections. The topic will not include NATO soldiers standing next to our soldiers with weapons, but financial assistance. The US has already provided us with USD 28 billion, and NATO countries have provided us with USD 120 billion in total. And this is what is being discussed in American kitchens. What and whom does the taxpayers' money go to? Because the US is "all about money."

“You can't imagine how the entire American media explode even with a small corruption scandal in Ukraine. And this further fuels talks of cutting off aid, rising prices and taxes because of the Russian-Ukrainian war”

You can't imagine how the entire American media explode even with a small corruption scandal in Ukraine. And this further fuels talk of cutting off aid, rising prices and taxes because of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The average American does not know where Ukraine and its capital Kyiv are located, but they know about corruption in some department.

And I ask you: do not live by the stereotype that there is enough information about Ukraine. It is not enough! We need to talk about Ukraine all the time: from serious media publications to short, diverse videos in English on social media. The vast majority of Americans do not read newspapers, do not watch TV news, and do not even have TV channels connected. From talking to them, I realized that this is a philosophy of life that they call "limiting yourself from bad news." They have created their own world in which they feel good. And after Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea, any war involving the United States is an exception to the doctrine of isolationism. It is a complete rejection. Who wants to send their sons, brothers and husbands to war in a foreign country?

“And I ask you: do not live by the stereotype that there is enough information about Ukraine. It is not enough! We need to talk about Ukraine all the time: from serious media publications to short, diverse videos in English on social media”

"Do you have Coca-Cola in Ukraine?" one of my English teachers asked me. I was speechless... I had heard it before: "Have you ever had a mammogram, do you have such equipment in Ukraine?", "Do your banks work like that too?".Why is this so? Where did this image come from?

I took this question to one of the political science professors at the local university. After his answer, I realized a lot. Most Americans don't travel abroad, they have a huge territory on the continent with islands, seas, oceans, and mountains. This is their home. And everything else is very far away, another world. As my father used to say when he was looking at a map on an airplane on a trip to the US, "My daughter, even just looking on a map it seems so far away."

That is why the war is far away for them. For most Americans, this is not their war.

Decisions are always made by the elites. Only the strong are able to make unpopular decisions, because they have to look to the future. A peaceful future for the planet.


About the author. Tetiana Mokridi, journalist.

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