MP Kniazhytskyi: Taiwan's experience is unique example for Ukraine in building strong democratic society

Mykola Kniazhytskyi, Ukrainian MP, believes Ukraine should show an example of the best democracy and Taiwan's experience is extremely useful 

He shared his point of view with Espreso TV.

"In Taiwan, digitalization is a response to the needs of society. Thanks to digitalization, Taiwanese are building democracy. Digitalization becomes a tool for building a unified and very strong democratic society that tries to destroy authoritarian societies. In times of war, this internal digitalization is extremely important for us," the MP noted.

Mykola Kniazhytskyi added that volunteer work, Ukrainians helping their army, etc. are now happening on the Internet. Even when there is no power supply, Starlink and generators are bought, and online communication continues.

"Taiwan's experience is huge here, because it is building an open society. It happened so that we are the first democracy to be attacked by an authoritarian regime in recent times, thus we must become the fairway of the democratic movement. We have to show an example of the best democracy, and here the experience of Taiwan's Ministry of Digitalization is unique for us, because the way they were able to organize the association of citizens through the Internet, social media, is a very useful example for us in building a strong democracy, and this is our way," Kniazhytskyi emphasized.