Ukrainian forces strike at Kadyrov mercenaries’ barracks in Mariupol 

Mariupol mayor's advisor Petro Andriushchenko says that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have attacked a Kadyrov mercenaries' barracks in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. The injured fighters have been allegedly secretly taken away in the direction of Donetsk

He reported the information on Telegram

"We have reports of a hit to the barracks of Kadyrov's forces, located on the territory of the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. According to preliminary information, the injured were secretly taken away in the direction of Donetsk, which may indicate their serious condition. We are clarifying the details," the statement said.

According to Andriushchenko, the damage can be compared to the "Yuriivka cotton,” 

a series of explosions that occurred on May 29 in a boarding house located in the resort village of Yuriivka, west of Mariupol, which Russian troops also disguised as "air defense work.”

"It's a good start to the day," the mayor's advisor summarized.

What is happening in Mariupol

The city of Mariupol, Donetsk region, was surrounded on March 2, 2022, when Russian troops approached it from the south and began advancing along the Azov coast. On May 16, 2022, military personnel were withdrawn from Azovstal in Mariupol to the temporarily occupied Novoazovsk and Olenivka, thus giving Russia full control over the city.

On May 13, 2023, Ukrainian defenders killed about 50 Russian soldiers in the temporarily occupied Mariupol district. 

On June 2, Mariupol City Council reported that preparations were underway to evacuate the city's residents in the temporarily occupied Mariupol.

On July 4, Andriushchenko, an advisor to the Mariupol mayor, predicted the de-occupation of the city and explained what indicates that the Russian invaders are ready to flee. According to him, many things indicate that "Mariupol will return home very soon, and therefore Russia simply does not want to spend money on the territory it will soon lose."

According to the Ukrainian underground, the occupying administration of the city has developed a plan to evacuate collaborators, documents and valuable property. Also, cargo operations in the port of Mariupol are being accelerated, in particular the export of Ukrainian grain.

Also on July 4, the Mariupol City Council reported that the body of a 12-year-old missing girl had been found near the temporarily occupied city of Mariupol - according to investigators, she could have been shot by a Russian soldier. 

Afterward, Andriushchenko noted that the incident with the girl's death was indicative of the fact that it had shaken the entire city.

On July 10, Andriushchenko reported that in the village of Kremenivka, Mariupol district, on July 8, Russian soldiers beat a 30-year-old deaf and mute man almost to death. The victim is in intensive care in a serious condition.