Russia's missile programs have "no growth"

According to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, the tests of the Yars and Bulava nuclear missiles failed again

These complexes are to become the main strategic nuclear force of the perimeter. They are to replace Soviet-era systems developed largely in Ukraine.

It seems that without Ukraine "there is no growth".

According to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, the Yars missile went off course, as it did during the previous command and control exercises of Russia's strategic nuclear forces on October 25, 2023. On the same day, the test launch of the RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missile from the Borei submarine missile cruiser ended in a fiasco, which once again confirmed its unreliability.

Russia also has problems with the Sarmat missile.

They failed to wave the mace.

Such news is not a reason for hat-tossing. Because there is no shortage of orcs and iron for them in Russia.

But the inability to develop a new generation of strategic weapons is yet another indication that the Kremlin's "playing the USSR" is not working. Our allies also see this, which gives arguments to our supporters.

We need to use our resources efficiently, and thus convince our allies to continue helping Ukraine until the Russian enemy is defeated.


About the author. Rostyslav Pavlenko is a Ukrainian politician, political scientist, political strategist, and lecturer. Member of Parliament of Ukraine of the IX convocation.

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