Russia's crime in Olenivka is revenge for the Azov soldiers' destruction of its elite units - Viktor Chumak

The Ukrainian chief military prosecutor from 2019 to 2020, Viktor Chumak, believes that Russian forces' goal in committing the terrorist attack in Olenivka is both straightforward and nuanced

He shared this information with Espreso TV. 

"Firstly, it is the revenge of the private armies that committed this crime for the way the Azov   soldiers fought. Revenge for the destroyed Wagnerites and elite units of the Russians. Secondly, it is the intimidation of Russian fighters to say: if you are captured, the Ukrainians will make worse things happen to you. And thirdly, I do not rule out that the prisoners of war were treated terribly. And Russia carried out this terrorist attack in order to hide crimes and torture of prisoners of war", Chumak emphasized.