Investigators identify Russian soldiers involved in war crimes in Hostomel and Chernihiv region

Investigators have identified two Russian soldiers who were involved in war crimes in Hostomel, Kyiv region, and Chernihiv region: they shot civilians and their cars


The Office of the Prosecutor General reported the information. 

According to the investigation, in the then-occupied Hostomel, the identified Russian soldier and his colleagues received an order from their commander to kill civilians.

"On February 25, 2022, while holding combat positions in the area of Shevchenko and Sviato-Pokrovska streets, he opened fire from small arms without warning at a civilian car moving along Shevchenko Street in the direction of Bucha. The driver of the vehicle received numerous gunshot wounds. Later the victim managed to escape," the statement said. 

In total, the occupiers are involved in the shooting of 12 cars in Hostomel, killing 11 civilians and injuring 15 others. 

As a result, the deputy platoon commander of a special forces unit of the Russian National Guard in Krasnoyarsk Krai was served a notice of suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war (Part 2 of Article 15, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Investigators also identified a Russian serviceman who attacked a resident of a neighboring village in Nova Basan, Nizhyn district, Chernihiv region, in late February 2022. He stopped near a column of Russian equipment and got out of his car, posing no threat to the Russians. However, the Russian soldier shot the man with an assault rifle. Another Russian soldier, who was in an armored personnel carrier, fired a machine gun at the man and his car.

The Russian serviceman was served a notice of suspicion of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder committed by a group of persons (Part 1 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). 

"Measures are currently being taken to put the suspect on the wanted list, as well as to identify another Russian military involved in the crime," the Prosecutor General's Office added. 

  • Earlier, Ukrainian prosecutors identified three Russian soldiers who shot a security guard of an agricultural enterprise for making a remark during the occupation of a village in the Kharkiv region.