'Special military operation' against Ukraine has become Russia's 'holy war’

I wrote a few days ago that the Moscow regime would use the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall as the beginning of a new stage of the war against Ukraine. And now this stage has been officially announced

The Moscow Patriarchate's website published an order on March 27 from the All-Russian People's Council, labeling the war in Ukraine as "holy" and asserting that "the entire territory of modern Ukraine should fall within Russia's exclusive sphere of influence."

Here is a quote for you: "In the course of the cathedral congress, which took place on March 27, 2024 in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow under the chairmanship of the head of the World Russian People's Council, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the Decree of the XXV World Russian People's Council "The Present and Future of the Russian World" (Moscow, November 27-28, 2023) was approved....

The special military operation (SMO) is a new stage of the national liberation struggle of the Russian people against the criminal Kiev regime and the collective West behind it, waged in the lands of South-Western Russia since 2014. In the course of the SMO, the Russian people with arms in their hands defend their life, freedom, statehood, civilizational, religious, national and cultural identity, as well as the right to live on their own land within the borders of the united Russian state. From a spiritual and moral point of view, the special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, defending the unified spiritual space of Holy Russia, fulfill the mission of the "Holder", protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West that has fallen into Satanism.

After the completion of the special military operation, the entire territory of modern Ukraine must enter the zone of Russia's exclusive influence. The possibility of the existence on this territory of a Russophobic political regime hostile to Russia and its people, as well as a political regime governed from an external center hostile to Russia, must be completely ruled out".

“You may recall that a new stage of the war with a full-scale invasion was announced in April 2021 in an article by methodologist Timofey Sergeytsev on the RIA-Novosti website. I also drew attention in April 2021 to the fact that that article was a direct call to kill Ukrainians and to prepare for an attack.”

The document of the Moscow Patriarchate Council is a higher level. It is a call to destroy Ukrainians as a nation, as a state, as an identity. To destroy each of us.

I would also like to remind you that Putin recently said that the war with Ukraine is becoming the main priority for all Russians.

Therefore, if we want to exist, the defense against Russian aggression must unite us and force us to act immediately. Wake up from your comatose state. Do what is really important right now.

Specially for Espreso

About the author. Olha Len, journalist.

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