How genocide continues

Today's humanity has reached a point where "never again" has easily turned into "we can do it again"

Genocide is not only possible. It is alive. Killing entire nations in full view of humanity has once again become the norm. It has become the norm not to be ashamed of the television show 'Thousand Hills,' from which dirt and hatred have been pouring onto neighboring people for 15 years now. It has become the norm to call a country defending itself from occupation and aggression a terrorist. The shameful and cynical formula 'not to let Ukraine win - not to let Russia lose' has become the norm.

Genocide is being embraced, genocide is traded with, genocide is being played tennis with. Humanity loves to have emphathy for a nation that creates and commits genocide. Because it is more interesting for humanity. For some reason, humanity shows unprecedented generosity to cannibals. Perhaps this is due to Stockholm syndrome.

Somehow it is believed that a country committing genocide against another nation is just 'making mistakes': it's just that the country and its people 'were unlucky' with the regime. That's why they forgive their maniacs on the fly.

Bucha, "Bucha butcher"... Who calls Putin that now? Nobody. This name has not caught on. Do you know why? Because it is politically incorrect. They forgive on the fly because they don't think it's something abnormal. They forgive because they believe that political correctness will save them from death at the right time. This encourages them to commit further crimes. Modern people have a short memory for crimes against distant and abstract people.

Yesterday he was a " Bucha butcher," and today the entire Global South is looking down his throat, to whom the whole world is constantly owing something. And tomorrow, he will be considered negotiable by the leader of Republican voters' sympathies and, quite possibly, the future president of the United States.

And they may even agree that something very abnormal happened back then, in 1939-1945, but they are using a comma to say that Israel is to blame for October 7, 2023, and Ukraine for February 24, 2022. That genocide has its own part of the truth, which is supposedly in the middle.

No, the truth does not lie in the middle. As Adam Michnik once said, the truth is where it lies. And it is that evil must be defeated, punished and condemned here and now, in this world, in our lifetime.

And until the world realizes this simple truth, searching for a modus vivendi with the living evils of modern-day Russia, Iran, and North Korea, all the anti-Hitlerian pathos of today will be nothing but an empty ritual, devoid of anything but calendar rhetoric and hypocrisy.


About the author: Andriy Bondar, writer.

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