Crimea bridge is primary strategic target to be destroyed - British Colonel Grant

Retired British Colonel Glen Grant noted that the destruction of the Kerch Bridge would significantly weaken the capabilities of the Russian troops on the front line

He shared his opinions with the Espreso TV channel.

"Certainly, the primary target of strategic importance is the Kerch Bridge. Its destruction would disrupt transportation to Crimea, forcing Russia to rely on sea or overland routes, both of which pose logistical challenges. Additionally, any delays in damaging the railway bridges would further impede Russian movements," Grant explained.

According to Grant, operations behind the enemy lines also require active actions directly on the front line. Only under these conditions can it have a positive effect.

"While I acknowledge the value of asymmetric actions, I doubt their immediate effect on the frontline against Russia's formidable resources and capabilities. Our primary focus should remain on fortifying and defending the frontline. Effective asymmetric strategies often require advanced weaponry such as long-range missiles and increased sea drone capabilities, which we currently lack in sufficient quantity. Asymmetric actions only truly exert power when directly linked to frontline operations. Merely targeting the rear may not yield the desired frontline impact unless executed with strategic ingenuity.," he added.