How much of the $61 billion U.S. aid package will directly arm Ukraine?

While the U.S. recently announced a $60.84 billion aid package for Ukraine, only part of it will directly fund military efforts

Defense Express writes about it.

After passing through the House of Representatives with a solid 311 votes, the aid bill now awaits a speedy vote in the Senate and the President's signature. However, not all of the $60.84 billion will be earmarked for military purposes.

Among the allocations are $11.3 billion for US military operations in the region, $7.9 billion in direct financial aid (with potential debt relief), and various smaller amounts for oversight, assistance to Ukrainians in the US, and nuclear security, as detailed by Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA, Oksana Markarova.

In terms of weaponry, the direct allocations include $13.8 billion for weapons procurement under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) program, $1.6 billion for the Foreign Military Financing program compensating Ukraine for US weapons costs, and $23.2 billion to replenish defense goods and services to be provided to Ukraine.

However, uncertainty remains regarding the $23.2 billion allocation, as it might partly fill a $10 billion hole in Pentagon funding due to differences in the cost of weapons provided to Ukraine and their replacements.

Despite uncertainties, the aid package's approval signifies a significant step forward, with final confirmation expected soon.