Russia launches airstrike on Kramatorsk center, killing people

On July 7, Russian forces have launched a rocket attack on Kramatorsk. There are victims

Kramatorsk mayor Oleksandr Honcharenko shared the news.

"Air missile attack on the central part of Kramatorsk. There are victims. We are investigating the consequences, rescue services are working," wrote Honcharenko.

The city mayor asks residents to stay in shelters.

The air raid alarm in Kramatorsk began at 13:31.

The head of the region, Pavlo Kyrylenko, reports at least one killed and 6 injured people.

"It is known for sure about one killed and 6 injured, but these figures can still change. This is a deliberate attack on civilians. Russian forces continue to 'fight' with unarmed people. This will continue until we drive them out," he wrote  Kirylenko.

6 buildings were damaged by the airstrike, including a hotel and a high-rise building with residents.