Russia intensifies campaign to discredit Ukraine in Middle East - Ukrainian intelligence

Russia has intensified its disinformation campaign against Ukraine in the Middle East. For this purpose, Russia is intensively using its agent network, propaganda tools, and diplomatic missions

This is reported by the press service of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

According to the intelligence, the task of the Kremlin's next hybrid operation is to:

"Thus, employees of the Russian Embassy in Egypt received instructions from the Kremlin to hold a series of meetings under diplomatic cover to spread disinformation about the war and carry out recruitment activities," the intelligence said.

The Russians also send propaganda materials to the embassies of other countries in Cairo, justifying the war against Ukraine.

"We are talking, in particular, about two papers titled: "On the role of the West in the conflict in Ukraine" and "On the situation around Ukraine". These materials present Putin's version of the history of Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and present terrorist aggressive Russia as a victim," the statement says.

The key idea that Russia is trying to promote in the Middle East is that there is no alternative to the scenario of ending the war that Russia is proposing.

It includes depriving Ukraine of military aid from the West, the cessation of hostilities by the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, Russia's retention of control over the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, "permanent non-aligned status," "denazification," and "demilitarization.”