Negotiating with Putin is making deal with maniac

The brutal attack of the Putin regime has proven that as long as this regime exists, no one in the world can feel safe

This regime is a real cancer on the body of the whole world.

It corrupts, lies, kills, tortures, and mocks. It is devilishly obsessed with destroying the present world and dividing it in order to take over a part of it with those who personify the new axis of evil.

It is obsessed, it is cynical, it is bestial, it is bloody, but it is doomed.

This is not only Putin himself, or those who are now playing his role, but the entire regime, which has turned even the church into a ministry of death, capturing and brainwashing millions of people. And they are responsible for supporting the policy of murder and violence, but above all, the blame lies with those who directly gave the orders and carried them out.

It makes no sense to negotiate with this Putin regime, it's like making a deal with a maniac, believing that something will keep him from committing more murders and violence. He will kill, kill, kill, rape, torture and destroy.

This modern Kremlin regime is incurably sick with an obsession with murder, violence and total power. A regime that simply enjoys violence and torture with a sickening pleasure.

And he will not stop until he is stopped, like a rabid beast that has simply become a werewolf, who lacks power and money, he needs blood and torture.

That is why he is doomed to destruction. And from now on, it is only a matter of time.


About the author. Oleksiy Bilovol, political expert

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