Iran diverts attention from domestic political problems by searching for external enemy - international expert Ferens

Bohdan Ferens, international expert, PhD in Political Science, believes that Iran is trying to mobilize Iranians and to use the security forces even more to suppress protest sentiments

He expressed his opinion on Espreso TV. 

Bohdan Ferens commented on a series of explosions in Iran and further possible intentions of the Islamic Republic's leadership.

“I would like to point out that we should consider these actions on the part of Israel first of all, because Prime Minister Netanyahu has stated that the growing terrorist and security threat to Israel will have a tough response. Accordingly, it is clear to everyone, since Israel and Iran are eternal opponents and enemies, why this is happening, the situation can be analyzed,” the international expert noted.

Bohdan Ferens noted that he would not consider this situation only in terms of deepening cooperation between Iran and Russia, although this is one of the key factors that must be prevented, and not many countries in the region can do this effectively.

“I would also look at this situation from the perspective of the threat that Iran is creating every day in the context of all its external actions. In this way, it refocuses the attention of its domestic political problems, protests, and is looking for an external enemy to mobilize its citizens and further use all security forces to suppress any protest moods. And I do not exclude the possibility that Iran and Russia have significantly deepened their nuclear cooperation. In my opinion, the most compelling argument for taking such radical actions by the countries opposing Iran is precisely because of Iran's desire to advance in uranium enrichment, to realize its long-standing dream of acquiring nuclear weapons, which is a threat in the global context,” Ferens explained.